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Formplus for Agencies and Consulting

Use Formplus to capture leads and get proposals from clients

Formplus is the most flexible yet versatile online form builder for a creative agency and consultancy. Whether it’s a large clientele or an intimate workspace, there is always that need to deliver projects and show that your client’s investment is indeed worth it.

Form Builder

Personalized Communication

With confirmation emails, custom submission messages and notification emails, you can create a personalized experience for clients as well as form users. Doing this, will help you convert even more customers.

Form Customisation

Endless Customization

Simple, beautiful, easily customizable - these are some of the words creative agencies use in describing their ideal online form maker. Formplus helps you create branded online forms, with the form data securely stored online.


Gather Files from Clients

Creating campaigns for Customer campaigns usually come with large files and this might be hard to receive via email. Let your clients submit files through a file upload form for easier data management and a more organized process.