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Approval Request Form Template

The approval request form can be used to validate requests in an organisation. Employees can use this form to fill out specific requests and request approval from a manager or supervisor. This easy-to-use form can be tailored to suit your needs and preferences. Get started with this template today.

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Tips For Using the Approval Request Form Template


The fast-paced climate of the business space makes it imperative to have a powerful tool that can streamline the approval process, ensuring clear communication and a standard operating procedure for such requests.

An approval request form is used to authenticate these requests and get approval from superiors in the workplace.

Formplus approval request form template, helps organizations, to streamline the approval process with its easy-to-use approval request template that can be tweaked to align with user-specific requirements. 

Let’s explore what an approval form is, how to create one, and why it's important to an approval request form.

What is an Approval Request Form?

An approval request form is a document created to ensure a standard procedure for getting permission or authorization for a specific action. It is a channel of formal communication between an employee(subordinate) and a superior and all the necessary information that would facilitate a decision is provided in the approval request form.

It includes details like the purpose of the request, supporting documentation, timelines, and any applicable criteria necessary for approval.

How to Create an Approval Request Form?

Formplus is your go-to software for creating an approval request form with ease.

The first step is to sign up or log in to your Formplus account. This gives you access to the approval request template from our wide array of free templates.

Next, you can edit your form with our code-free form builder, which lets you add fields to your form, using the drag-and-drop button.

That's not all. With Formplus's robust customization feature, you can edit your form to align with your brand colors, and font layout and even include a logo.

Afterward, you can share your forms with your team via an email link, a QR code, or by embedding it on your website.

Finally, you can set up notifications and autoresponder to notify you of new requests and notify users of the status of their requests.

Formplus integrates seamlessly with other third-party applications for seamless data management.

Why is an Approval Request Form Important?

An approval request form creates a structured or standard process for getting permission or authorization in an organization.

  •  It facilitates concise communication between the parties involved(the requester and the approver), by reducing the risk of miscommunication as all the details necessary to get approval are outlined in an approval request form.
  • It provides a standard way of getting approval and eliminates favoritism and promotes fairness and transparency in the process, as all parameters to get approval are clearly outlined in the approval request form.
  • Lastly, approval request forms are important because they provide documentation that can be referred to, requires, or when there is a need to review processes.


An approval request form acts as a vital tool to help organizations define the processes for getting authorization for a specific request or action. Formplus can help organizations with this decision-making procedure through its approval request templates that can be customized to align with users' requirements. 

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