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Athletic Clearance Form Template

The athletic clearance form is used to certify that an athlete is fit for a specific sport. With this clearance form, physicians can give their medical consent, declare the athlete fit and also specify restrictions if any. Parents/guardians of underaged athletes can also use this form to give consent for their ward to participate in a specific sport. Get started with this form today.

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Tips For Using the Athletic Clearance Form Template

As a coach, guardian, or parent of an athlete, you must ensure that the athlete is physically fit and healthy before engaging in sports activities. The athletic clearance form is a document that certifies athletes' physical fitness and health to participate in sports.

The clearance form also helps to prevent injuries and complications that may result from participating in sports without proper preparation or supervision.

What Is Clearance in Sports?

athletic clearance is a medical examination performed by a licensed health professional to determine whether or not an individual is medically fit to participate in athletic activities. A physical examination is conducted to assess an athlete’s vital signs, heart, respiratory, musculoskeletal, and other health conditions.

The clearance process also includes a comprehensive medical check-up, including any current or past injuries or conditions that could impede an athlete's ability to compete safely and competently in sports.

What Is the Athletic Clearance Form?

athletic clearance forms are used to determine athlete fitness before taking part in a sports activity or event. They serve as a common template for collecting personal information, medical information, and contact information as well as consent and authorization forms.

The form may also require the athlete’s doctor or a licensed healthcare provider who has examined and cleared the athlete for sports participation.

How Do I Create an Athletic Clearance Form?

Step 1- Go to the athletic clearance form template, and click “use this template

Step 2- Edit form questions to fit your survey objectives. You can add conditional logic, rating scales, and more.

Step 3- Set up your preferred settings- form privacy, intro page, submission notification, and others.

Step 5- Share your form with your employees via email, link, or embed on a webpage.

Step 6- Collect and analyze responses in real-time.

What Is the Purpose of Clearance?

The purpose of clearance is to make sure that athletes are healthy enough to participate in sports activities without putting their health or safety at risk. Clearance also identifies any health conditions or risks that could impact athlete sports performance.

Why Medical Clearance Is Required Before Undergoing Physical Fitness Testing

Medical clearance is required before undergoing physical fitness testing because some tests may be strenuous or stressful and may trigger adverse reactions or complications.

For example, an athlete with a heart condition, high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, or anemia, may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, low blood sugar, or bleeding during or after the testing. So, before taking any physical fitness tests, it is important to consult with a doctor for clearance and to follow their recommendations.

Get started with the Formplus athletic clearance form template to ensure the safety, well-being, and compliance of athletes!

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