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Post Workshop Survey Template

The post workshop survey is an evaluation tool that can be used to evaluate a workshop. With this survey, attendees can evaluate the quality of the content, speaker’s delivery, location, express their satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction with the workshop and provide recommendations if any. The feedback gotten can be used to improve the quality of other workshops. Get started with this survey today.

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Post Workshop Survey Template

What Questions to Ask in a Survey About a Workshop?

When creating a survey for a workshop, it's important to ask questions that cover all aspects of the experience. This includes the content, the speaker, the location, and any other factors that may have affected the participants' experience. Asking these questions helps organizers gain valuable insights into what worked well and what could be improved for future workshops.

How Do You Evaluate After a Workshop?

Start by creating a post-workshop survey to collect feedback from participants to see what worked well and what could be improved. If everyone liked a particular part of the workshop, then you succeded in that area. Also, carefully go through the suggestions for improvement and implement them in future workshops.

What Are Good Post-Meeting Survey Questions?

The goal of post-workshop surveys is to gather information that can make the workshop better next time. So, a good post-event survey covers everything from big things like the speakers and the content to small things like the venue and the food. 

It should mix rating questions and open-ended questions to get a complete picture of what worked well and what needs improvement. 

The Formplus post-workshop survey template comes with all the standard questions you need to collect feedback about your event from the attendees. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using the template:

  1. Go to the Formplus Post Workshop Survey template.
  2. Sign in to your Formplus account or create a new one
  3. Edit or add new form questions to fit your survey goals.
  4. Customize your form design by changing its fonts, colors, and layout. You can also add images or videos from the event to make the survey more engaging.
  5. Share the form with attendees via email, QR code, social media, or embed it on a webpage.

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