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Smoking Habit Survey Template

The smoking habit survey is designed to help health professionals or individuals collate data to know people’s smoking habits, smoking history, etc. This data can be used to study and identify smoking patterns, the consequences of cigarettes on people's health, etc. Customize this easy-to-use Smoking Habit Survey to suit your research goals. Get started with this template today.

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Tips For Using the Smoking Habit Survey Template

A smoking habit survey template is a tool that can help you collect data about the smoking behavior and preferences of your target population.

What Is the Purpose of the Smoking Survey?

The primary goal of a smoking survey is to gain insight into the smoking habits and behaviors of your target audience. It also helps you to identify their needs and difficulties when it comes to quitting or reducing their smoking.

The smoking survey data can help you design and implement effective interventions and programs to help your target population quit smoking or reduce their smoking harm. It also helps you evaluate the impact and outcomes of your interventions and programs, as well as measure their success and improvement over time.

How Do You Ask About Smoking in a Survey?

Surveys about smoking can be sensitive and challenging since some people might be hesitant or uncomfortable to disclose their smoking habits. You have to follow some best practices to ensure that you get accurate and reliable data. 

Here are some tips to help you get accurate data from your respondents: 

Keep it simple- Avoid leading or biased questions that may influence the respondents' answers or make them feel judged or pressured. Also, use simple and clear language that respondents will easily understand.

Add survey disclaimer- assure respondents of their data privacy, and state the purpose and benefits of the survey. This will encourage respondents to confidently share their behavior without thinking of being judged.

Use multiple choice questions- Provide multiple choice or scale options that cover a range of possible answers, such as frequency, quantity, duration, and type of smoking.

Customize respondent questions- add conditional logic or branching questions that allow the respondents to skip irrelevant or inapplicable questions based on their previous answers.

How Do I Create a Smoking Habit Survey?

Step 1- Go to the smoking habit survey template, and click “use this template

Step 2- Edit form questions to fit your survey objectives. You can add conditional logic, rating scales, and more.

Step 3- Set up your preferred settings- form privacy, intro page, submission notification, and others.

Step 5- Share your form with your employees via email, link, or embed it on a webpage.

Step 6- Collect and analyze responses in real-time.

What Are the Benefits of Smoking Habit Surveys

Smoking habit surveys are useful tools to collect data on tobacco use, cessation, exposure, and related topics among different populations. It helps you gain insight into the prevalence, patterns, and costs of smoking in your community or country.

You can also identify the factors that influence people's decisions to start, quit, or continue smoking. This can help you design and evaluate effective interventions to reduce the harms of tobacco and promote public health.

Need a simple and standardized way to collect reliable data on smoking behaviors? Try the Formplus smoking habit survey template.

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