Over the years, the average CISA pass rate has been between 50-60%, meaning if 100 people take this exam, more than 40 will fail. However, the statistics also show that about 96% of well-prepared candidates successfully pass the exam.
Practicing with CISA sample tests has proven to be one of the most effective ways to pass the CISA exam. The questions assess your knowledge and expertise, help you detect your weaknesses, and know where to focus to perform better.
However, random mock exams are not effective; CISA practice exams only work when the exam questions effectively mimic the conditions and requirements of the real exam. Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough of how to create a CISA certification test that meets the ISACA standard, helping you ace the real certification exam.
The CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) is one of the major certifications offered by the ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association). It tests your knowledge and expertise in information security management.
The exam cuts across various areas to assess your understanding of major information and security systems including review management practices, risk strategies, continuity planning, and monitoring IT personnel. Here’s a breakdown of all the certification’s focus areas:
This section tests your knowledge of ideal frameworks and methodologies for performing information systems audits. This includes questions about planning system audits, the method used for the audit, and how to report the findings.
This part evaluates your IT management skills – can you meet business goals while remaining compliant? It also tests your ability to spot security risks and apply effective security measures to prevent and mitigate them.
This covers the productivity and effectiveness of your IT project management skills. Do you know the right order to execute IT projects from the beginning to the end? What key qualities would you check for selecting vendors for IT products and services?
This section breaks down your IT services’ day-to-day operations. What are the ideal predefined steps for an IT service department for everyday tasks like help desk support, managing network infrastructure, and maintaining data centers? How do you ensure that IT services are delivered efficiently, and follow service-level agreements?
The questions here focus on your information security expertise and knowledge. How do you prevent malicious threats and unauthorized access to information assets? How do you manage security controls and administration? What are the right measures to detect and prevent different cybersecurity threats? If there’s a data breach, what principles and techniques would you take to mitigate the damage?
CISA is a multiple-choice examination with 150 questions and you need to score at least 450 points and have four hours to complete the examination. The exam costs $575 for ISACA members and $760 for non-members. You also need to pay an annual renewal fee maintenance fee of pay $45 for ISACA members, and $85 for non-members.
The bottom line is the CISA exam is not only rigorous, it costs a significant amount. So, it’s not an exam you go for without adequate preparation, and that’s why you need to get as many practice tests as much as you can before the actual exam and boost your success rate.
Here are some ways creating mock tests can boost your certification exam preparedness:
Here are the most common challenges for the majority of people taking CISA:
Formplus is a form-building software that allows you to create custom forms for different use cases including practice quizzes. Let’s see the major ways Formplus makes preparing for your CISA exam easier:
Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your GMAT quiz with Formplus:
ISACA’s CISA exam ensures you’re a skilled leader in information security capable of creating, reviewing, and maintaining excellent IT policies. It’s a challenging and expensive exam, but with repeated practice, you can familiarize yourself with the exam format, identify your weaknesses, and ace it.
Also, using Formplus for your practice quizzes ensures you have the top user-friendly tool to seamlessly create your CISA practice exam and track your progress over time.
You may also like to read practice quiz guides for GMAT and SAT.
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