Create Smarter, More Personalized Forms with Answer Piping.

Knowing how to use CSS to design forms is good but then there really is no need for you to do that every time you need to design beautiful forms! If you know how to use CSS to design forms, then that’s okay but if you haven’t gotten around to learning CSS, you do not need to start.

Formplus has a builder that makes it easy to create beautiful and branded online forms for your business. You have control over the colors, fonts, and every aspect of your form creation process, without the hassles that come with form CSS coding.

Here are some ways you can create very appealing and professional-looking forms with our Builder:

Are you ready to create branded, beautiful forms, easily? Try out the Formplus easy to use Form builder and make your form creation process efficient and simple. Copy the form link to share on social media or as iFrame code to embed on your website.

Field Text/Placeholders

Another thing to note in creating beautiful forms is that you can stylize the words in the text of each field i.e the placeholders. With this, you can customize the content of your form to incorporate your company slogans, mottos or jokes.

If you will like to describe the information required in that field with more detail, do that by editing the supporting text field.


A theme is basically an idea that pervades or recurs in a work of art and in this case, the work of art is your form. The formplus builder has a flexible editor, which allows you customize form colors and fonts making them similar with your brand’s visual style guide.

You can make your background a basic color or take up your form branding up a notch or two and use a background image instead.

Form Images

They say “a picture is worth a thousand words” and if you decide to go for the full-customization on your form, you may be interested in inserting images into the background. The use of images in forms works in two ways: as a full-on background image, and as a form field.

Using an image as a background for your form gives it that ‘wow factor’ and helps you emphasize your central message. The builder has areas that also holds images; this can be used to add colour and depth (to help explain the information you require). With this, you can give examples of what you expect from a user before they fill out a form field.

Brand Logo

Seeing that your brand logo is the most recognizable piece of visual collateral for your brand, you need to use it as often as you can. With the Formplus builder, you can use your logo in a form to help you maintain your brand identity.

Form Fonts

Just like your brand logo, you may have a font that defines your brand which you use across your platforms. When creating your forms in Formplus, you can use fonts to express yourself, communicate an overall design aesthetic and define your brand. There are over 100 Google fonts available in the builder, so there’s more for you.


Now you have your form colours, fonts and images, you can also change how your form is aligned without CSS. Instead of going through your form code to change it, the builder lets you choose between right-to-left, two-columns, or leave it as the default layout. Your form will be changed to the chosen layout in the form preview.

Submit Button

Every element on your form is important, but you must pay special attention to the submit button as it is the one with all the clicks. While you may choose to follow your brand specifications and guidelines, always remember that if you want more form conversions, you need to use a button that has bright, contrasting colors and catches the eye.

It is very important to create a submit button that is inviting and clickable — your text must match what you want your respondents to do.

You can share the form link on social media or copy the Iframe code to embed on your website. This is suitable for feedback forms, payment forms, email newsletters, lead generations, contact form etc.

Are you ready to create branded, beautiful forms, easily? Try out the Formplus easy to use Form builder and make your form creation process efficient and simple. Copy the form link to share on social media or as iFrame code to embed on your website.

  • busayo.longe
  • on 3 min read


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