Create Smarter, More Personalized Forms with Answer Piping.

The accepted error rate in manual data entry is 1% because we are people and we make mistakes. However, in most offline data collection processes, the error rate is higher.

The main problem with errors in data collection is that they don’t just slow you down, they can result in huge losses worth millions of dollars, and if you’re a small business owner, it could lead you to the end of the road of your business.  Here’s how to ensure you collect accurate data with little to no internet connection:

Offline Data Collection

Why Offline Data Collection?

As an employer, researcher, or business owner, bad internet access shouldn’t stand in the way of collecting the data you need to achieve your goals. Offline data collection could be offline forms, paper surveys, or direct observation; it simply means you are not collecting data using an uninterrupted internet connection.

Using offline forms or manual data entry methods ensures that you can gather the information you need from users, customers, and potential clients even if their internet connection is bad.

Why Must Your Offline Data Collection Be Accurate?

How do errors in offline data collection affect your processes, let’s find out:

  • Data Integrity and Accuracy

The permissible error rate for offline data collection is 1% but this can still be very significant. For example, If you own a gift shop, no customer wants to fall into the 1% that you got their order wrong; you would be ruining their gift. Also, collecting the right data ensures you can trust your processes and move on to the stage such as shipping an order, data analysis for research, etc.

  • Creates a Foundation for Decision-Making

Knowing you have accurate data helps give you the confidence to base your conclusions and actions on the data. Let’s say you want to ensure your next feature release aligns with what you have in development. Knowing that you collected reliable information from your users using your product evaluation form helps you confidently use the feedback to work on the improvements users want.

  • Helps You Manage Resources Effectively 

Ensuring accurate data collection also means you don’t have to waste time and resources trying to fix mistakes. Using offline data collection methods also means physical records that can easily get damaged, misfiled, or lost, and you would need more resources to correct the mistakes. 

  • Prevents Bias

The major cause of error in offline data collection is human error. We all make mistakes, which is understandable but these little errors introduce bias in your results and give you misrepresented facts such as inventory stock-up mixups, wrong messaging in marketing materials, irrelevant product releases, etc.

How SaaS Form-builders Can Help

How SaaS Form-builders Can Help

Here’s how using SaaS form builders can help you avoid the challenges of offline data collection:

  • User-friendly Interface

Unlike offline data collection, you don’t have to worry about handing out physical forms and storing them. All you need to do is use the drag-and-drop interface to create the fields you need e.g. email, phone number, order item, etc. You can also use pre-built templates and simply edit them to fit your goal. 

  • Built-in Validation 

A SaaS form builder lets you specify the data formats you want in a field. Let’s say you want to collect phone numbers from customers, you can set the field only to take numerical values. 

You can also make all fields you consider important compulsory so you don’t have to deal with missing data. For example, if it’s a job application form, you can make fields such as email, CV upload, and name compulsory.

  • Offline Capabilities with Auto-Sync

You also don’t have to worry about your respondents without an internet connection not being able to access your forms. SaaS form builders like Formplus enable offline forms in which respondents fill out digital forms with poor or no internet connection and temporarily store the data on their devices. Once, the internet is back up, offline form data automatically syncs and uploads to the server.

  • Real-time Error Notifications

 You can also promptly contact respondents if they enter incorrect information.  If you connect your form to your CRM tool like Zendesk, Intercom, Hubspot, etc, you can easily look through responses and send a message to the respondent to complete the form. You can also view form data from the responses dashboard and scroll to see missing fields. 

Who Needs Offline Data Error Reduction?

If you fit into any of the following profiles, you need error reduction in your offline data collection:

A. Field Data Collectors

Collecting data on the field can be very difficult especially when you have to deal with harsh weather, remote locations, and other difficult scenarios. Conditions like harsh weather and remote locations contribute to limited internet connectivity and prevent real-time data syncing, leading to errors. 

  • Solution

You need an offline-enabled form with error-checking features. This will ensure you can still proceed with your data collection uninterrupted without internet access. Using a form with built-in validation rules also ensures people enter the right answers in the right fields. So, regardless of the pressure and difficult conditions, your data collection will still be accurate.

B. Business Analysts

As a business analyst, you leverage the insights from your collected data to analyze market conditions, competition, product value, etc, to make strategic business decisions. Collecting incorrect data can completely derail your analysis and land you in a position where your decisions can sabotage the company’s growth.

  • Solution

Using a form with data validation ensures you collect consistent and accurate data. Also, enabling offline mode in your forms ensures you have all the data you need to make business decisions; no data is ignored because it couldn’t be uploaded.

C. IT Managers

The major problem with trying to recover missing or inaccurate data is that it can be complex and challenging. It can also open up your offline devices and servers to unauthorized access and breaches.

  • Solution

Use APIs to connect your form builder to other platforms, this helps you keep your servers secure during data transfer. It also ensures the data doesn’t go through too many paths before it’s analyzed and used, limiting the opportunity for missing data.

How to Ensure Your Offline Data Collection Error Reduction Measures Sticks

Data Collection Error Reduction

  • Proper Planning: note down the fields you need in your form and the kind of answers (values) you want in the question fields. For example, the email address field will only take entries with valid email address format. You should also test the form and ensure everything works the way it should before launching it.
  • Continuous Improvement: The best way to grow is to never stop improving your methods. So, collect feedback from users about your data collection process, and regularly update your form to ensure there are no opportunities for errors.
  • Long-Term Strategies: go for a scalable SaaS form builder that can accommodate all your data collection needs and give you room to grow.

The Bottom Line

The main goal of offline data collection is to ensure you get all perspectives and accurate information but the error rate with manual data entry defeats this purpose. Minimizing errors in offline data collection helps you maintain the data integrity you need to achieve your business or research goals.

One of the most effective ways to still get accurate data with offline data collection is to ditch manual data entry and create offline-enabled forms with a SaaS form builder. Don’t sacrifice accuracy for your goals; use Formplus offline forms to collect reliable data, with or without internet access.

  • Moradeke Owa
  • on 6 min read


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