Peer assessment is a common method of evaluation used in the classroom, workplace, and research. Since it is carried out by individuals who have similar competencies, it is one of the best ways to gather first-hand feedback that highlights the strengths and weaknesses of an individual.
During peer assessment, you are expected to measure your peer’s performance using the criteria provided by a higher authority (teacher, management team, or industry standards). The peer assessment guidelines allow everyone to be held up to the same standards; thus limiting prejudice.
In this article, we will discuss different types of peer assessment, peer assessment tools, and show you how to carry out peer assessment in your industry.
Peer assessment is a type of performance evaluation that is done by individuals who are of equal status as the person who is being assessed. During this process, peers can reflect on each other’s works, identify strengths, and also highlight areas needing improvement.
At one point or the other, you may have been a part of a peer assessment exercise. Think of instances where your lecturer asked you to comment on someone’s stance on a particular issue or when the HR called you in for a brief meeting to discuss what you think about a team member.
Whether peer assessment is formative or summative, it is best to provide guidelines for the evaluation. This way, everyone is on the same page and you can gather precise, concise, and direct feedback that will prove useful for decision-making in the future.
Peer assessment is a good way for individuals to get familiar with constructive criticism. Many times, we find it easier to deal with feedback and criticism when it comes from someone or people we are familiar with. There is certainly some degree of anxiety that comes with receiving feedback from higher authorities.
Let’s discuss some other reasons why peer assessment is important:
Student peer assessment is a type of peer review that allows students to provide objective feedback on each other’s performance in the classroom, with the teacher’s guidance. It starts with the teacher providing different criteria for the evaluation and then, the students critique each other in line with the criteria.
In a typical classroom setting, students’ dissatisfaction with a teacher’s grading style is not uncommon, and this is because they are quite removed from the evaluation process. However, when you get them involved via peer assessment, they become more open to evaluation and can see the justification for their grades.
Peer assessment is more than a method of classroom evaluation; it is also a critical teaching method that helps students build life-long skills. During peer evaluation, students learn how to be teachers, how to sift through information and identify valid data, and how to provide constructive feedback on performance.
Employee peer assessment is a workplace review method where colleagues with complementary roles assess each other’s performances and provide feedback. It is a great way to build team spirit in the workplace while gathering objective information that can improve productivity.
Employee peer assessment varies and it is best to come up with a method that works for your team and ensure that everyone gets familiar with the stipulated guidelines. Usually, employee peer assessment should be conducted anonymously; although some organizations do otherwise.
Peer journal/article assessment is a form of self-regulation adopted in many fields of study. Here, an academic paper is vetted by scholars who have similar competencies as the author, before it is eventually published to ensure that it meets the stipulated standards.
Academic scholars are the gate-keepers of knowledge in their fields and the general public depends on the information they provide; especially through published works. Peer journal assessment certifies the validity of the data contained in these published works and this prevents false information from being regarded as credible.
Every field of study draws up a set of parameters that academic works must satisfy before they can be published. During a peer journal assessment, the reviewer weighs the academic work against these parameters and determines the extent to which it satisfies the publication requirements.
Peer assessment can expose you to information that you previously had no idea about. However, getting the best results from peer assessment is no mean feat; you need to put in the work to collect valid information. Let’s look at some tips that can help you conduct stellar peer assessments for the best results.
As we’ve said earlier, there is no one-size-fits-all method for peer assessment. The different types of peer assessment are conducted in not-so similar ways. Regardless of the peer assessment process, what matters is that you achieve the primary goal of the evaluation.
For this article, we will show you how to conduct peer journal assessment via this step-by-step guide. Remember that you would need to tweak these steps if you’re conducting any other type of peer assessment.
Formplus is an interactive online tool that you can use to create forms and surveys for peer assessment. It is one of the most effective tools for peer assessment because it has multiple options and features that allow you to conduct your peer assessment easily.
Formplus has many free peer assessment templates that you can use to carry out this exercise. It also has a drag-and-drop form builder where you can make changes to your preferred template by adding new form fields and including background images plus your company logo.
Here is an easy guide to creating peer assessment forms using Formplus:
Several online tools make it easy for you to coordinate peer assessment; whether in the school or at the workplace. Online assessment application systems allow the reviewer to automatically provide actionable feedback on his or her peer and it is extremely useful for student peer assessment.
Peer assessment can also be done using this method of qualitative data collection; especially student peer assessment and employee peer assessment. During an interview, the reviewer asks a series of questions to the person who is being assessed. These responses allow the reviewer to provide feedback on the candidate’s performance.
An interview can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured depending on the preferences of the stakeholders (the reviewer and the employee). While a structured interview adheres strictly to the provided questions, the unstructured interview happens spontaneously. Semi-structured interviews are a neat blend of structured and unstructured interviews.
Paired marking is not a tool; rather, it is a peer assessment technique that is typically used in the classroom where a teacher places students in pairs and asks them to interchange and assess work. Paired marking, and by extension group marking, can be done using a rubric, or by applying success criteria to each other’s work.
The Formplus employee review form template allows colleagues in the workplace to review one another’s skills and competencies while providing feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. In this form, the reviewer grades his or her peer using the criteria listed in the template.
This is a general peer assessment form that you can use to evaluate performance whether in the school, workplace or during research paper review. With this peer evaluation form, you are better able to gather and process information to arrive at valid outcomes for your organization, school, or field of study.
Use this employee evaluation form to keep track of employees’ workplace performance. This form allows you to monitor an employee’s output plus the relationship between the employee and his or her co-workers. With this form, employees can provide feedback on the performance of their co-workers regularly.
Getting the best results from peer assessment starts with having well-structured evaluation parameters and making sure that everyone involved in the assessment understands how they work. Whether in school, workplaces, or academic environment, you can organize peer assessment training sessions to keep everyone updated on the evaluation criteria.
More importantly, you should limit bias in peer assessment by making all reviews anonymous. Finally, choose the right peer assessment tool that can help you gather and process the data you need without any stress. You can use Formplus to create powerful forms for peer assessment.
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