Just as an organization needs to gather and process feedback about its operations from its employees on a regular basis, schools also have to periodically collect and process suggestions from students. This can be done via a student survey.
A student survey helps you to sample your students' opinions about your school's curriculum, teaching methods, and staff behavior. It can serve as a means of gathering useful information that will inform major decisions in the future.
As with other survey types, it is important to avoid any biased questions in your student survey. More importantly, ensure that you design your survey using a dynamic data-gathering platform like Formplus to get the most out of your student survey forms.
What are Student Surveys?
A student survey is a method of gathering, processing, and evaluating your students' opinions about the school's educational practices; especially in terms of its pedagogical approach and professionalism. It allows students to provide honest and objective feedback about an educational institute.
This type of survey is very important because the information it provides goes a long way in informing organizational changes put in place by the school. It is very useful to the teaching staff because it often highlights possible areas of improvement.
Anonymous student surveys are oftentimes more appropriate because the students can communicate their honest feelings without any fear or hesitation; especially in cases of complaints or harassment. To achieve this, it is best to administer the survey using a 3rd party platform.

Types of Student Surveys
Student Satisfaction Survey
A student satisfaction survey is a feedback mechanism that is used to ascertain how satisfied your students are with the school's overall operations and teaching practices. It is an important matrix used for measuring how successful a school is, in line with pre-determined parameters.
This type of survey is usually made up of open-ended questions and multiple-choice questions that cut across different management scopes necessary for quality education. It also allows students to provide feedback on the behaviors of non-teaching staff and academic heads of the school.
It is important for every school to administer this survey regularly as it helps to refocus and reshape the actions and strategies of the management. Students would be more comfortable if they were allowed to respond to a student survey anonymously.
Student satisfaction survey questions are specific in nature. They are usually drafted in a way that forces the survey respondent to provide precise and concise information with regards to his or her level of satisfaction with a range of organizational practices.
Student Satisfaction Survey Questions
- How likely are you to recommend this school to your friends and family? Please provide the reason for your response.
- Very likely
- Somewhat Likely
- Neutral
- Unlikely
- Very Unlikely
2. How satisfied are you with the school's coursework? Please provide the reason for your response.
- Very satisfied
- Somewhat satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
- Highly dissatisfied
3. How satisfied are you with the school's transportation system?
- Very satisfied
- Somewhat satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
- Highly dissatisfied

Do you feel that this school is preparing you adequately for the job market?
- Yes
- No
Are you satisfied with the quality of teaching?
- Yes, I am
- No, I am not
Do you think that the school has the right testing and grading method? Please provide a reason for your answer.
- Yes
- No
What is your most memorable experience in this school so far?
What are you most dissatisfied with in the school's operations?
How helpful is your course advisor in dealing with the issues you face?
- Very helpful
- Quite helpful
- Neutral
- Slightly helpful
- Not helpful at all
Is there any other feedback you would like to provide?
Student Course Evaluation Survey
A student course evaluation survey is a method of collecting and processing feedback from students with regards to their level of satisfaction with the school's coursework and teaching methods. It is made up of specific questions aimed at evaluating the extent to which students enjoy a course of study.
This survey is extremely important because it largely influences any pedagogical changes that would be made by the school in the coming years. The most appropriate type of questions for these is rating questions and Likert questions since you're trying to get the students to indicate their overall satisfaction with your school's brand.
The student course evaluation questions enable your students to evaluate how relevant a course is to them. These questions also allow your students to provide feedback on the teaching methods adopted for a course and the relevance of the overall course syllabus.
Student Course Evaluation Questions
- How clear are the course objectives?
- Very clear
- Somewhat clear
- Neutral
- Unclear
- Very unclear
- How organized was the course in terms of the time frame and assessment and access to materials?
- Very organized
- Somewhat organized
- Neutral
- Disorganized
- Highly disorganized
- Did you participate actively in the course? Give a reason for the answer.
- Yes
- No
- Prefer not to say
- How well did the course achieve the stated learning outcomes?
- Very well
- Somewhat well
- Neutral
- Not at all

- How conducive was the learning environment?
- Very conducive
- Somewhat conducive
- Neutral
- Unconducive
- Highly unconducive
- Did the instructor make use of adequate teaching and learning materials adequately? Give a reason for the answer.
- Yes
- No
- How fair was the course assessment method?
- Very fair
- Somewhat fair
- Neutral
- Unfair
- Very unfair
- To what extent did the course interest you?
- The course was able to stir my interest in the research area.
- I like the course but I feel it is too abstract.
- I am somewhat interested in the course and may develop an interest in future
- The course did not pique my interest.
- Others? Please state
- Did you understand the lectures? Give a reason for your response.
- Yes
- No
- How well did the instructor respond to students' inquiries?
- Very well
- Somewhat well
- Neutral
- The teacher did not respond well to my questions.
Teacher Evaluation Surveys
A teacher evaluation survey is a method of sampling students' opinions about their teachers. Students evaluate their teachers in terms of their level of professionalism, teaching methods, and overall attitude to work; while highlighting possible areas of improvement.
This survey is important because it enables students to give an honest evaluation of their teachers' behaviors. It can also be used by the school's administration when performing routine classroom observations to rate teachers based on how they engage the students in the classroom and how they manage classroom activities for the best results.
The teacher's evaluation survey questions would allow students to provide honest feedback about a teacher's approach to work and overall professionalism. These questions are important because they often result in objective suggestions that improve a teacher's attitude to work.
Teacher’s Evaluation Survey Questions
- How well does the teacher communicate his or her subjects to the students?
- Very well
- Somewhat well
- Neutral
- The teacher does not adequately communicate with the class
- Did the teacher encourage feedback from the students? Give a reason for your response.
- Yes
- No
- Did the teacher show genuine concern for the students? Give a reason for your response.
- Yes
- No

- Overall, how would you rate this teacher?
- Excellent
- Very good
- Good
- Fair
- Poor
- Would you recommend this teacher to other students?
- Definitely
- Probably
- Neutral
- Probably not
- Definitely not
- How accessible is the teacher?
- Very accessible
- Somewhat accessible
- Neutral
- Inaccessible
- Very inaccessible
- How helpful is the teacher in responding to the students' needs?
- Very helpful
- Somewhat helpful
- Neutral
- The teacher is not helpful.
- How well did the teacher communicate the course requirements?
- Very well
- Somewhat well
- Neutral
- The teacher did not communicate course requirements effectively.
- How enthusiastic and friendly was the teacher about the subject?
- Very enthusiastic
- Somewhat enthusiastic
- Neutral
- The teacher was not enthusiastic about the subject.
- Do you have any other suggestions for the teacher?
- Yes (Please share)
- No
Student Environmental Surveys
A student environmental survey is a means of finding out just how much your students know about the environment; in terms of how their activities affect it. This survey is a means of getting feedback on what students think about the school environment.
It is important because it can help the school authorities to understand how concerned the students are on environmental issues like air pollution and global warming. Based on the data received from administering this survey, the school authorities would identify the students' level of knowledge on environmental issues like climate change and can organize a series of training to improve on this.
Student Harassment Survey
A student sexual harassment survey allows students to swiftly report any cases of harassment and assault to the school authorities for the appropriate actions to be taken. It is important for every school to regularly administer this survey.
This survey helps you to measure your students' levels of knowledge with regard to sexual harassment, rape, bullying, and other forms of assault.
The anti-bullying survey is extremely important because it allows the school to get useful information on assault and harassment that occur on the school's premises. It also enables students to swiftly report cases of harassment to school authorities and demand justice.
Student Harassment Survey Questions
- Has someone made negative comments about your body shape, size or gender?
- Yes (Please share)
- No
- Have you ever been bullied in this school? Give a reason for the response
- Yes
- No
- How often does sexual harassment occur in the school environment?
- Very often
- Somewhat often
- Neutral
- Sexual harassment dies not to occur often
- How often do students report any cases of harassment?
- Very often
- Somewhat often
- Neutral
- Students do not report cases of harassment
- How well do the school authorities respond to reports on assault?
- Very well
- Somewhat well
- Neutral
- The school authorities do not respond to reports on assault.
- What do you think is responsible for the high occurrences of bullying in this school?
- How can the authorities best address cases of sexual harassment?
Top Student Survey Template to Use
- Course Evaluation Form
This course evaluation form will help you to swiftly collect and process feedback from your students with regards to your course content and delivery. It is important because it helps teachers to measure and improve the level of understanding of their students.
It contains specific questions with regards to the pedagogical methods, course duration, assessment and scoring methods and the overall effectiveness of the course. The course evaluation form allows teachers to improve how they communicate with the students for the best results.
- Peer Evaluation Form
A peer evaluation form is a method of providing feedback about your fellow students and their attitudes to learning plus overall performance. It allows students to give honest and objective feedback about the performance of their coursemates and their behaviors.
Use this peer evaluation template to gather and process all responses from the students, and you can also edit it to suit your school's specific needs using the Formplus builder.
- Student Data Sheet Form
This student data sheet form is a useful tool for collecting your students' bio-data. It enables you to collect and process high volumes of personal information from your students, including their names, names of guardians, addresses, guardians' occupation, and contact information.
You can also use this datasheet to process students' scores, record average performance, track attendance rates, and record academic grades. You can use this template or create a new form easily in the Formplus form builder:
- Student Satisfaction Survey
A student satisfaction form is a type of questionnaire that enables students to communicate how satisfied they are with the school's operations. It allows students to air their opinions on the school's course work, welfare, and level of employees' professionalism.
The teacher evaluation survey allows students to communicate their objective opinions about their teachers' performances in the classroom. You can use this form to get feedback from your students on a teacher's lesson notes, pedagogy, interaction in the classroom, and assessment methods.
You can use the template here to collect information about your teachers from your students
This training evaluation form would help your students provide immediate feedback after undergoing training. You can embed this template on your website or share it with respondents via email or social media platforms.
Click here to get started
You can use this template to gather your students' opinions on several nominations on the occasion of a school awards ceremony.
Click here to get started
Why Use Formplus for Student Surveys
- Mobile Surveys
Students often use their phones to fill out surveys. Keeping this in mind, our developers have fully adapted all Formplus online surveys for mobile use; hence, you get to enjoy full mobile-responsiveness when filling out any student survey form on your smartphone.
Mobile surveys are more convenient for students. With mobile-responsive student surveys, you can share your student survey forms via social media and have thousands of responses provided in little time, from every part of the world.
- Share Online
Formplus also has servers unique online sharing options for forms. This means that you can share your survey forms with responders via email or social media; no matter what part of the world they are.
You can share your personalized student survey form links directly to different social media platforms using the embedded social media sharing buttons. You can also embed your forms unique QR code on your school's website, fliers or banners so that respondents can simply "scan to fill".
- Teams
With the "team" feature, you can fully involve your team members in your data collection and analysis process. This is a multi-user feature that enables more than one person to work on a form at the same time.
With this, you can set permissions on your forms and add collaborators to your shared account. Each change leaves an audit trail to track and comment on any edits made by team members on your account.
- Geolocation
This feature works with the user's permission to determine the physical location of the form respondent. It is an awesome feature that allows you to map out the locations of each submitted form.
A student survey is very important because it helps you to gather and process thousands of opinions from your students in little time. As a school, it is pertinent to always keep tabs on how your students feel about teaching and learning methods, organizational structure and training.
It is best to administer student surveys using an online form because it makes it a lot easier to gather and process information. Online forms are more convenient to fill since anyone can fill in responses once he or she has a link to the form.
You can use Formplus to create different types of online student survey forms and share with your network via social media, email or embed it on your website.